miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016


When writing lesson objectives, I could learn that there are some essential steps in the course development process;

-         Selection of content
-         Development of an instructional strategy.
-         Development and selection of instructional materials.
-         Construction of tests and other instruments for assessing and then evaluating student learning            outcomes.

Also, lesson objectives are brief descriptions what learners expect to do it by the end of the class.

That is why in a teaching situation, first of all, I have to focus what I am going to do in the lesson. For example, if I am going to teach the simple present, I have to establish first the lesson objectives according to learners’ needs. Then, I will create the activities and materials which will help students to achieve those objectives.

Moreover, teachers have to take into consideration when writing lesson objectives in the following,

-          Focus on student Performance not teacher performance.
-          Focus on product - not process.
-          Focus on terminal behavior - not subject matter.
-          Include only one general learning outcome in each objective.

Below, you will find an interesting link which focuses about writing good lesson objectives: http://www.educationoasis.com/curriculum/LP/LP_resources/lesson_objectives.htm

Also, I share a video about the same topic. 

(Mary Spratt, Alan Pulverness, Melanie Williams, 2011)

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